Guangzhou Guji company has been in PMU industry since 1996,It has a machine factory, a needle factory, a cosmetic pigment factory, and a large modern warehouse center, providing one-stop service for brand design, product design, product manufacturing, technical services, advertising, etc. . . It has designed thousands of brands around the world. With its ultra-high manufacturing technology, professional industry knowledge, safety, legality, and fashionable aesthetics, it has won praise from global partners and sold very well all over the world.
Complete safety qualifications, such as CE, MSDS, FDA, ISO13485, ISO9001, REACH,SGS etc., provide you with the most professional and safe endorsement.
GOOCHIE/MASTOR/PM/PMU is our original PMU brand, covering more than 60 countries around the world and thousands of cooperative companies. Has a very high reputation in the industry.